I am Jealous About Him!

(Dec 10, 2020)

Alexander has a very good buddy named Santino in Ninja class.

But yesterday he apparently was not happy about Santino. He tried to keep distance from him, squinting at him with anger all the time. He even ran to Santino’s mom for a report right after class.

The first word he said was: “Santino is a cheater.” Santino skipped counting when he was required to do push-ups.

On the way back home, I asked Alexander why he was so mad at Santino, because as his mother for almost 7 years, I know my son might have a strong sense of justice, but definitely not this level of outrage.

He mumbled in the rear seat: Santino cheated but he was never caught. It was so unfair, why did the instructor always know I was cheating? I am so jealous about him.!”